
ARTifact 2025

Natural sciences and art don't go together?
We think they do!

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI (ELH), we are once again hosting the ARTifact - Imaging MRI art competition this year and are calling on scientists, artists and all creative minds to show us what you can do! In keeping with our anniversary, the theme this time is

>> HAPPY BIRTHDAY - 20 Years of ELH <<

We are looking for creative visual contributions (photographs, collages, digital and traditional images, sculptures) as well as, for the first time, audiovisual artworks such as music or videos relating to the last 20 years of ELH. Feel free to spread the word using our flyer.

The best three entries will each be awarded with a prize money of 200 euros. In addition, a mystery bag will be raffled off twice among all participants.

The best entries will be exhibited at the ELH and will appear in an exclusive ELH desk calendar for 2026.

We are looking forward to your contributions!

The submission deadline for entries is June 25, 2025.

Conditions of Participation

  • All members of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Radboud University in Nijmegen, Ruhr University Bochum and the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg as well as members of joint research projects (e.g. research groups or CRCs) in which the ELH is involved may participate. As this is an "anniversary competition", former members of the ELH may also take part this time.
  • All participants can submit multiple artworks. However, only one artwork per artist (the one with the most votes) will be included in the final list of winners.
  • The copyright of the contributions must be held by the submitting artists.
  • Please make absolutely sure that the image rights for collages also belong to you or are explicitly licensed for use. No AI-generated content may be used or submitted.
  • To ensure equal opportunities, all entries will be anonymized before the they are put to the vote online.
  • Digital submissions must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and a length of at least 2000 px on the shortest side. Video files must have a minimum image size of 1280 × 720 pixels (HD). Audio and video files should be between 00:30 and 01:30 minutes long. Analog artworks must not exceed the size of DIN A0 (84.1 cm × 118.9 cm) and should be also sent as a photo or scan to for online voting. Sculptures must be at least 10 cm × 10 cm in size and may not exceed 30 cm × 60 cm. In addition, photos of the sculptures must be submitted digitally.
  • All entries must be accompanied by a short text of no more than 250 words in German and English, including a brief explanation of the work and its title.

Please send your digital contributions to this email address:

Analog works of art (e.g. paintings) should be sent to

Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI
Kokereiallee 7
D - 45141 Essen

By participating, participants agree that the submitted works may be published and/or exhibited by the Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI for an unlimited period of time. This includes the usage of photos of the works in publications such as the annual research report, the website, BlueSky, flyers, etc.

Legal recourse is excluded.

The submission deadline for entries is June 25, 2025.