Justinas Narbutas: "Functional role and dynamic change of feedforward and feedback interactions within the extinction network"

Justinas Narbutas: "Functional role and dynamic change of feedforward and feedback interactions within the extinction network"

This event takes place on December 4, 2024.

We are happy to welcome Justinas Narbutas for the ELH Lunch Talk Series on the topic "Functional role and dynamic change of feedforward and feedback interactions within the extinction network" which will take place on December 4th, 2024 at 12:30h at the ELH and via Zoom (https://uni-due.zoom-x.de/j/64934030394?pwd=M2ZqVjJhU0M1Uk5xRUtDY0NDTUQzdz09, Meeting-ID: 649 3403 0394, Identifier: 914431)

Feel free to download and spread the flyer for this event.